PhileCMS is a file-driven CMS. Powered By Markdown And Twig. But You Can Change That.
Phile is a flat file CMS, this means there is no administration backend and database to deal with. You simply create .md files in the "content" folder and that becomes a page.
Why use PhileCMS?
The desire to fork the project from Pico, came when a few community members wanted to contribute more and increase the rate of development progress.
Here is a small list of differences in design from typical flat-file CMSs:
OOP based (classes)
Events system
Uses Composer
Overload core modules (plugins)
Parser (default: Markdown)
Template Engine (default: Twig)
Cache (default: phpFastCache)
Error handler (default: system handler)
Meta parser (default: system parser)
Simple Data Persistence (default: system data storage)
Per-Plugin config.php files
Namespaced plugins so classes can have the same name
PSR-0 Compliant
PhileCMS is a file-driven CMS. Powered By Markdown And Twig. But You Can Change That.
Phile is a flat file CMS, this means there is no administration backend and database to deal with. You simply create .md files in the "content" folder and that becomes a page.
Why use PhileCMS?
The desire to fork the project from Pico, came when a few community members wanted to contribute more and increase the rate of development progress.
Here is a small list of differences in design from typical flat-file CMSs:
OOP based (classes)
Events system
Uses Composer
Overload core modules (plugins)
Parser (default: Markdown)
Template Engine (default: Twig)
Cache (default: phpFastCache)
Error handler (default: system handler)
Meta parser (default: system parser)
Simple Data Persistence (default: system data storage)
Per-Plugin config.php files
Namespaced plugins so classes can have the same name
PSR-0 Compliant