
Sculpin is a static site generator written in PHP.

Sculpin is a static site generator written in PHP.

Sculpin converts Markdown files, Twig templates and standard HTML into a static HTML site that can be easily deployed.

Why Sculpin?

  • PHP static site generator.

    Fast and easy to get started. If your language of choice is PHP, you'll feel right at home if you need to extend Sculpin.

  • Embedded Composer.

    Forget about managing library versions manually! Sculpin embeds Composer to keep your source control focused and projects consistent.

  • Twig templates.

    Twig is a full-featured modern template engine. It's simple to learn and it is extensible, documented, concise and flexible.

  • Symfony's HTTP Kernel.

    Sculpin is built on it. This lets you use Symfony Bundles to extend Sculpin for any advanced functionality you need without extending Sculpin directly.

Sculpin is a static site generator written in PHP.

Sculpin converts Markdown files, Twig templates and standard HTML into a static HTML site that can be easily deployed.

Why Sculpin?

  • PHP static site generator.

    Fast and easy to get started. If your language of choice is PHP, you'll feel right at home if you need to extend Sculpin.

  • Embedded Composer.

    Forget about managing library versions manually! Sculpin embeds Composer to keep your source control focused and projects consistent.

  • Twig templates.

    Twig is a full-featured modern template engine. It's simple to learn and it is extensible, documented, concise and flexible.

  • Symfony's HTTP Kernel.

    Sculpin is built on it. This lets you use Symfony Bundles to extend Sculpin for any advanced functionality you need without extending Sculpin directly.

Sculpin Website

Sculpin Source Code